Tine Sylvest is a psychotherapist MPF. Her private practice is located on Hemgården, Storsvedsvägen 8 a 1, 65410 Sundom.
Tine Sylvest is an authorized psychotherapist and supervisor. As a psychotherapist she is specialized in art therapy, family therapy and trauma therapy (EMDR). The theories she bases her psychotherapeutic work upon are mostly the theories of Gestalt Therapy, Self Psychology, Cognitive Therapy, Systemic Theory and Jungian Analysis.
In the early 90’s she received training as an Art Therapist from the School of Arts and Psychotherapy in Copenhagen. Later on during the early 2000’s she went through another training program in psychotherapy, with Art Therapy (Drawing Therapy) as a speciality. 2004 she became a member of the Danish Association for Psychotherapy, and participated in the associations training program as a supervisor/workplace counselor. From 2004 – 06 she went through a training program as a family therapist. Nowadays she mostly works as a psychotherapist, coach and supervisor in her own private practice in Vasa, Finland.
As a psychotherapist Tine Sylvest works with individual therapy, therapy for couples, family therapy (also as FPA-rehabilitation), and individual therapy in groups. She also works as a supervisor for individuals and groups, as well as teaches and holds workshops in leadership, supervision, communication, awareness and Art Therapy in different institutes and organizations.
Working as a psychotherapist Tine works psychodynamically. She helps the client to increase and improve his awareness about self and others, intra- and interpersonal relations and how to influence the circumstances, or how to cope with them if there really is nothing else that can be done.
Working with Art Therapy Tine Sylvest uses some of the artistic ways of expression in order to help people in therapy increase their awareness e.g. by learning more about themselves, their resources, their possibilities, what they really want and how to get it, and different ways to cope with reality. Working with the artistic expressions most often corresponds with dialogue, as it is important that the client learns how to make mind, body, thoughts and feelings cooperate, and to make sure that the use of the artistic expressions really has meaning.

Tine Sylvest works with the following artistic expressions as tools for the therapy:
– singing, (making use of / exploration of the voice)
– drawing, painting
– drama (drama therapy, psychodrama)
– dancing, movement
– writing (prose, poetry)
– working with myths and fairytales
– phantasy journeys
– (sculpturing)
In addition, in the therapeutic work Tine Sylvest can use:
– breathing
– relaxing
Working as a supervisor/workplace counselor for groups and individuals, Tine Sylvest focuses on each participant’s specific possibilities for improving himself, both on a personal and professional level. Tine uses methods from art therapy, as, for instance psychodrama and painting, and she mixes them with theoretical teaching and awareness training. In addition Tine is happy to work with coaching methods in work supervision if desired.
Working as a teacher in the field of psychotherapy and supervision she gives lectures and workshops in leadership, intra- and interpersonal relations, art therapy and communication.